I love the rain we've had. My yard isn't full of grass yet, so weeds have grown instead. It might still be some time before we get the grass in, but I really want our kids to play outside as much as possible. And for me, that means in a weed-free, pokey-sticker-free yard. In order to achieve that, it means I have to get rid of what you see below.
A look to the left. There was just as many to the right. |
This is where I started. |
So, my reason for posting this is to show 1--wahoo, I pulled weeds, but 2-it made me think about all weeds and what an obstruction they are in our lives.
Weeds can look harmless, and at first they are, but then they grow and get stronger. They grow thorns and stickers. They grow anywhere you let them. It takes effort and time to get rid of them. At times you need tools like shovels, gloves, spades, garden hoes. And sometimes, you need the help of other people to get rid of the weeds. (Randy helped and was so much better at it then me.)
What weeds do you have in your life? Sometimes weeds are past mistakes, limiting ideas or negativity that keep us from achieving our potential, or even just life's experiences. How do you deal with those weeds? How do you make your garden beautiful and what you really want? Who is your helping hand?
I pulled the weeds in this little corner. It took a long time, and was only 1/10 of the weeds there. |
My awesome pile of weeds. My son was eager to water the weeds and didn't want me to pull them. |
A work in progress. |
Although the life of a person is in a land full of thorns and weeds, there is always a space in which the good seed can grow. You have to trust God. -Pope Francis