So, it's that time of year, when peach season comes. My three favorite things to do with peaches are: 1-eat them all sliced up in a bowl with cold milk poured on top, 2-make freezer fruit cocktail out of them, and 3-my new favorite, make peach jam.
The fruit season starts earlier where we live than in Utah, and therefore ends earlier. A couple of weeks ago I made my family go peach picking with me. They didn't complain. We found a local u-pick orchard, but because it was the last weekend for peaches, we had to walk all the way to the very end of the rows of trees. Pickins were scarce--mostly smaller fruit, lots that wasn't worth picking, but some that were just perfect! I wasn't too thrilled about the price ($1.50/lb) because I knew it was cheaper at the grocery store. However, it was really fun for us to do as a family, our kids LOVED it, and I knew I was bringing home peaches that ripened on a tree--not in a box. This kids really had a great time pulling the wagon too.

That night I made about 15 quarts of freezer fruit cocktail, because I knew the peaches weren't going to last more than a day.
When peach season comes, I make sure I'm checking prices for grapes too. I try to get all the ingredients as the best price possible so that I know I'm not only putting food away for later, but that I'm not breaking the budget to do it either.
So here's what you need for freezer fruit cocktail:
approx. 15 medium peaches
1 large can of pineapple chunks
approx. 1 quart of grapes
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2-1 cup orange juice
Peal the peaches and dice them up about the size of the grapes and pineapple. Add the lemon juice, washed grapes, pineapple chunks with juice, and orange juice. (It's up to you how much orange juice you want, but I like 1 cup). Gently mix everything together--I just use my hands. Then fill FREEZER quart size bags up with the fruit cocktail. The amount listed above is enough for 6 quart size bags. Label and date the bags, and lie them flat in the freezer.
Then the next time you're craving delicious fruit--you've got it ready. I like to give mine a little bit of time to defrost on the counter or toss it in the microwave very briefly, but not too much because I don't like completely defrosted grapes--too soggy, blech! Serve and enjoy to your heart's content.
Thank you, Loleta, for teaching me and sharing the recipe a few years ago. I LOVE freezer fruit cocktail.
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