“Language exerts
hidden power, like a moon on the tides.”
-Rita Mae Brown
Why is that someone with a foreign accent suddenly because much more attractive? Or someone who speaks in Italian or French? I was watching a movie the other night and didn't think the male lead was super attractive for being in a romantic comedy, but then he started to talk is and Irish accent, and bam, attractive level started rising! (Sorry hubby but I admit he was a little cute. Although not nearly as cute as you.) Here' another "language" that may have you not have thought about; the language of gratitude. Using grateful language is more than "please" and "thank you." Although that is a good place to start. The words we use on a daily basis an either be uplifting or degrading, and using words that indicate a grateful outlook on life can have a powerful effect on us and those around us. Have you ever listened to the way someone filled with gratitude speaks? It seems that they have a linguistic style of their own. They say things like "blessed" rather than "just lucky." They also speak up when they appreciate something and let others know it. They don't forget to tell someone thank you because its part of their daily vocabulary.

Do you speak like that? Or do you use negative phrases? The way you think will reflect in the way you speak. I've thought about this a lot now that I'm a mom, and I know my daughter will pick up on the the things I say. I want her to learn to say thank you, and not just because its what she is supposed to say when someone does something nice. Help your children be involved in learning the language of gratitude by using words that reflect your attitude of gratitude. Be quick to verbally express your appreciation for those around you, family members and strangers alike. It's great to prompt your kids to say "thank you" but modeling the behavior will have an even bigger impact on them. Show your children that it's important to recognize and express the things you appreciate with phrases like:
"I'm thankful we caught that green light."
"I'm thankful we are having dinner as a family."
"I am thankful we get to spend time together."
ounsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
-Alma 37:37
The more you say it, the more you'll feel it, and your heart will be full of gratitude. From morning until night, try to use more words that reflect your gratitude. I think you'll find you'll end up Becoming Grateful for more things each day.
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