Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Becoming Grateful Day 13 : Visual Reminders


Have you ever had that feeling that you've seen something before but you don't remember where you saw it? This shows the impact that something visual has on us. Images we see have a way of sticking in our brain. Having something right in front of you makes it kind of  hard to miss, so put images and quotes about gratitude right where you can see them the most! This will help you keep thinking about what you're grateful for and get your thankful thoughts rolling.

"...and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you." 
Alma 34:38

Try jotting down your favorite gratitude quote or scripture on a post-it note to put somewhere you'll see it every day: your mirror, your car dashboard, your computer monitor, the front door. Or just a note that says, "Remember to be grateful!" Train your brain to think about the important things in life you are grateful for, and even the so-so important things that are still great.

Involve your family and children in this. Younger children could draw and color something that they feel thankful for. Hang it up on the fridge or front door. Each time they reach in the fridge for a snack or head out the door to play, they'll see their own drawing and remember how thankful they are for their family, pet, warm bed, favorite dinner, or whatever they drew. Pretty soon your family won't need the extra reminder to focus on your goal to Become Grateful. 

Here are some great free gratitude printables we've found and two of our own! 

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